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Experienced Retirement Planner Seen On Kiplinger, Yahoo! Finance, And More Reveals:

A New Retirement Income Strategy That Could Help You Lower Your Risk While Increasing Your Retirement Income!

"Here's Exactly What I Would Do If I Were To Retire This Year, Even If The Markets Were About To Crash. ”

HINT: The Solution Is NOT A Guaranteed Income Stream From An Annuity...

Get "How To Retire On Time" And Discover How To Design Your Retirement To Last Longer Than You™ – Even If You Have Almost Zero Knowledge About The Markets, Personal Finance, Or Retirement Planning.

As Seen On:

Many Americans May Be Just ONE Market Crash Away From NOT Being Able To Retire On Time.

Sounds crazy, I know, but it’s the scary reality.

Many Americans are taking more risk than they realize.

You work your entire life, put money into your 401(k), and have “done everything right”, but could end up having to delay your retirement by several years because of one bad market crash.

Like the one we had in 1987.

Or the one we had in 1990.

Or the one we had in 2000.

Or the one we had in 2008.

Or the one we had in 2020.

Or, more recently, the one we had in 2022.

(And that’s just the past few crashes)

Don’t forget about the other years with a major market crash, like 1982, 1972, 1968, 1965, 1961, 1946, 1938, 1929, 1922, 1906, and 1903...

The Problem Is Not Because The Markets Have Historically Crashed Every 7-8 Years.

It's Because Many People Don't Understand How To Design And Manage Their Portfolio Before, During, And After A Crash In Retirement.

What many people miss is how detrimental it is to take income from accounts that have lost money. Let’s say the markets crashed -30%. It would take a +43% return just to break even.

You still need income, right? So, let’s say your accounts were down -30% and took 4% out of your portfolio as income. Now you are down -34%, which means you would need a +50% return just to break even.

It could take years before you recover… and in retirement, you don’t have that kind of time. This is especially true if you find yourself retired during a flat market cycle.

Did You Know That Markets Historically Have Gone Flat For 10+ Years Every 20 Years Or So?

The markets were flat from 2000 to 2010.

They were also flat between 1966 to 1976.

And between 1929 to 1952.

And between 1906 to 1921.

The pattern keeps going.

It Can Be Hard To Comfortably Stay Retired And Keep Up With Inflation When Your Investments Are Struggling To Grow In The Market…

What’s even more alarming is how few people, including financial professionals, know about the historical pattern of flat-market cycles.

Imagine how stressful it would have been to retire in 2000.

You can't control the markets.

But, you can control your plan, investments, products, and strategies.

Do you want help designing your retirement to avoid these kinds of risks and potential problems?

That’s why I wrote the book that is for sale on this page.

It's called "How to Retire on Time," and it's available for just $9.95.

That's 50% off the price you'd get on Amazon.

You only pay the price of standard shipping costs.

Inside my book, you’ll discover:

  • How to create a retirement plan that’s designed to last longer than you (without relying on guaranteed income streams that may not keep up with inflation).

  • How to front-load your retirement income so you can potentially enjoy more travel when you retire.

  • What to do when the markets crash (why I believe you need two income strategies... one for when the markets are up, and another for when the markets are down.).

  • How to help minimize your exposure to potential losses so that you can maintain peace of mind while the rest of the neighborhood experiences sleepless nights.

  • The key to minimizing taxes that could otherwise cost you multiple six figures throughout retirement.

  • How to optimize your Social Security so you can help increase your overall income while protecting your estate so that you can potentially retire years sooner than planned (Hint: the solution is often not to file at 62, 67, or 70 years old).

And a lot more.

Of course, I can’t promise that you’ll never experience any losses, or that you’ll be able to retire with more money than Oprah.

There's no such thing as a perfect investment, product, or strategy.

But what I can promise is that the information within this book can help you be better prepared for any ups and downs that the market will experience (and it will experience them) in the future, so that you can sleep easy at night knowing you’ll be able to potentially retire on time and stay retired...

…and maybe even sooner using some of the strategies I’ll show you inside of the book!

As Seen On:

Get The Book + 5 Bonuses On This Page:

How to Retire on Time

For Just $9.95

Discover How To Help Protect Your Overall Quality Of Life And Nest Egg From Major Stock Market Crashes, Flat Market Cycles, Increasing Tax Rates, Inflation, And More – Even If You Have Almost Zero Knowledge About Retirement Planning.

If you’re ready to retire, or are already retired, and are nervous about your current plan, then grab your copy of How to Retire on Time right now and discover how I help people just like you confidently retire.

Get a physical copy of the book sent to you for just the price of standard shipping.

Plus, while you wait for your physical copy to arrive, you'll get instant access to the digital book, the audiobook, and all of the included bonuses.

This book is a MUST READ for...

  • Anyone who wants to retire within the next 10 years.

  • Working professionals who don’t want to retire yet, but want to have everything in order for when the time is right.

  • Anyone who wants to have their assets professionally managed, but doesn't know how to hold their financial professional accountable.

  • Those who are currently retired and feel like their current plan is either lacking in certain areas or could use an upgrade.

  • ​Individuals who keep delaying their retirement because they fear the current market conditions.

  • Anyone who currently has the majority of their assets at risk in a stock/bond fund portfolio (you're probably taking more risk than you realize).

  • Anyone who has questions about retirement that are not being answered by their current financial professional.

  • Individuals who want a second opinion but don’t want to accidentally end up in a high-pressure sales situation with a product-focused advisor.

  • Anyone that wants to manage their retirement on their own but is unsure where to start or how to put it all together.

Do I Need To Have A Financial Background To Understand This Book And Be Able To Apply What It Teaches?

Absolute not!

This book was written to meet you where you are and help you get to where you want to go.

Even though it does discuss some advanced strategies, every step is simplified and broken down so that you can understand and implement what is being explained.

Even the technology in the bonuses is easy to use. If you are reading this page, chances are, you have more than enough experience with technology to operate the planning software and create a retirement plan that is designed to last longer than you.

That said, those with a financial background will likely appreciate the strategies and principles that are taught in this book.

Will This Take A Ton Of Time?

Once you have read the book, it should take up to two hours, depending on how complicated your investments are, to take inventory, run the self-assessments, and design your plan.

One of the bonuses is a self-guided workbook that can help speed up your planning process so you can quickly discover what your future could look like.

Can I Do This On My Own Or Do I Need To Work With An Advisor To Implement The Plan?

All of the tools are there to design and implement your plan on your own. Many investments and products can be selected on your own, like stocks, ETFs, Mutual Funds, CDs, and so on.

If you decide you want certain investments that are not available to the public, like insurance products, alternative investments (e.g. Absolute Return Models, Fixed-Indexed Annuities (as a bond alternative), Delaware Statutory Trusts, Cash-Valued Life Insurance, Private Equity/Credit, etc.) then you will need to go through a licensed financial professional.

Your plan, and the assessments given in the book can help guide you to the right investments or products.

This Book Gives You My Step-By-Step Process On How To Create And Manage Your Retirement Plan.

Many people think the book is going to discuss the importance of a stock/bond portfolio and how you can pull around 4% from your portfolio as income and you should be fine.


In the book, I explain why I (and Stanford) believe the 4% rule is dangerous.

Some think this book is going to suggest that you buy a bunch of annuities so when you want to retire, you can just turn on your retirement income streams.


I'll explain why I believe the guaranteed income for life strategy could also be considered risky.

In "How to Retire on Time," I'm going to show you my proprietary retirement income strategy that can help you increase your overall growth potential while minimizing your overall risk.

It's easier to implement and follow than you think.

In the book, I'm going to show you how to...

  • Create a plan (not a pie chart) that can tell you year-by-year​ how much income you should be able to expect in retirement.

  • Determine how soon you can afford to retire by running the numbers with my calculator (It’s easier than you think).

  • Minimize your taxes by optimizing your income year over year using our proprietary tax minimization calculation.

  • Optimize your Social Security benefit by considering how when you file can affect your income and estate overall.

  • Follow the Rules of Retirement so you can dynamically adapt and maintain your plan through the different markets.

  • ​Implement a proprietary portfolio strategy that can help you maintain your retirement when markets go down or stay flat for an extended period of time.

  • Diversify your assets by purpose instead of lumping everything together with investment ambiguity.

  • Run our self-guided assessments so you can find potential problems before they derail your retirement plans.

  • And more!

In addition to sharing my process, I will give you access to my easy-to-use calculator so you can run your numbers and design your plan without having to talk to me or my staff. (You don’t need to be good at technology to be able to use this calculator. It’s that easy!)

This book is intended to help you, in my opinion, properly prepare for retirement without any pressure from external sources.

My hope is that you will be able to retiree sooner than expected so you can have more control of your most precious commodity, time.

This is not your normal “retirement” book.

It is a map and compass developed to help show you how to get to where you want to go.

As Seen On:

Get The Book + 5 Bonuses On This Page:

How to Retire on Time

For Just $9.95

Discover How To Help Protect Your Overall Quality Of Life And Nest Egg From Major Stock Market Crashes, Flat Market Cycles, Increasing Tax Rates, Inflation, And More – Even If You Have Almost Zero Knowledge About Retirement Planning.

If you’re ready to retire, or are already retired and are nervous about your current plan, then grab your copy of How to Retire on Time right now and discover how I help people just like you confidently retire.

Get a physical copy of the book sent to you for just the price of standard shipping.

Plus, while you wait for your physical copy to arrive, you'll get instant access to the digital book, the audiobook, and all of the included bonuses.

Bonus #1:

Access to Our Retirement Planning Calculator

The Kedrec Wealth Calculator is an easy-to-use software that can show you what your retirement could look like in 5 min or less. See if you are able to retire sooner than expected or with more income than anticipated.

  • Create your plan within minutes.

  • Optimize your results based on your unique situation.

  • 100% Private – We don’t require you to enter your name and information to be able to use the calculator.

Get Access + Easy to Follow Tutorials at NO COST When You Order a Digital Copy of How to Retire on Time.

Bonus #2:

Design Your Retirement In One Evening Workbook

The Design Your Retirement In One Evening workbook is designed to take you through, step-by-step, how to apply everything that you will learn from the book.

  • Step-by-step workbook that helps guide in the comfort of your home.

  • Go at your own pace.

  • Print friendly if you prefer to print it out instead of using the fillable PDF.

Answer Questions You Didn't Know To Ask With This Self-Guided Workbook… at NO COST With Today’s Order

Bonus #3:

12 Common Retirement Mistakes

How to Retire on Time focuses on solutions and what you should do as you put your retirement plan together. This bonus highlights 12 common retirement mistakes that even experienced investors make.

  • 12 easy-to-follow videos that walk you though common mistake and what to do instead.

  • Discover additional strategies you can implement in your retirement plan.

  • Solve problems you did not know exist with this additional training that is intended to compliment the book, "How to Retire on Time."

Learn From Other Retirees' Mistakes… Included at NO COST.

Bonus #4:

Exclusive Live Retirement Workshops

The retirement landscape is constantly changing with new laws, evolving markets, adjusted tax rates, and more. Stay up-to-date with our weekly webinars that cover topics like income, taxes, Social Security, healthcare, estate planning, and more.

  • Gain access to future events at not cost.

  • Participate in live Q&A sessions so your questions can get answers.

  • Stay up-to-date with current market conditions, tax changes, and more, so you can build and maintain your plan with ease.

Get Invitations To Exclusive Live Events That Include Open Q&A Sessions… Included at NO COST.

Bonus #5:

How to Retire on Time Audiobook

Prefer listening to your books?

No problem.

Get the Audiobook and Listen to How to Retire on Time on Any Device…

Enjoy this three hour long book, on the go, from your phone.

Included at NO COST with your order.

The Audiobook is NOT available on Amazon.

This is the only place you can get it...

Your physical copy will be sent to you ASAP. While you wait, your digital copy of How to Retire on Time will be delivered to your inbox right away so you can start discovering how, over the past decade, I have been creating retirement plans designed to last longer than my clients.

Are You Ready To Discover How To Retire With A Plan That Is Designed To Last Longer Than You™?

If you want to learn how to create a retirement plan that can show you, down to the month, net of tax, how much you should be able to spend throughout retirement…

If you want to learn and potentially implement strategies that can help maintain your income and quality of life during market crashes and/or flat market cycles…

If you want to discover how to proactively help minimize your taxes, which could be one of your biggest retirement expenses…

…all while you avoid keeping the majority of your assets at risk in a stock/bond portfolio or locking up your assets in irrevocable "guaranteed-for-life" income streams…

Then this book is for you!

My latest book, How to Retire on Time, will show you how I take complicated and unique financial situations and create retirement plans that are easy to understand.

You may be wondering, “Why haven’t I heard about this strategy before?” Well, here are two reasons why…

First, the industry is full of powerful influences that want financial advisors to sell a product (e.g., the stock/bond fund portfolio or an annuity income stream).

These companies make very convincing arguments. Many advisors and agents believe in the story and end up pitching clients what they have been told.

The second reason I believe is because it takes a lot of effort for a financial practice to support a plan like this.

Consider how easy it is to sell an annuity. Once the policy has been funded, the insurance company basically does the rest while the insurance agent walks away with their commission.

Why would an advisor want to create extra work for themselves each year when they can fall in line with what the industry promotes?

Maybe I’m a fool, but I believe in doing what is right for the client, even if it means more work for me. It’s literally my job, and I take it very seriously.

You also may be wondering, “Why am I sharing this information?”

I want to protect people from strategies that I believe are extreme and dangerous. I can’t get behind annuitized income streams as the end-all solution. I also can’t support a retiree keeping all of their assets at risk in a stock/bond fund portfolio while hoping that the market never crashes again.

It’s just not right, in my opinion...

What you’ll find in the book “How to Retire on Time” is a different way to plan for retirement. You’ll discover many innovative strategies that can help you think outside of the box and shift into a potentially more advantageous position as you get closer to retirement.

As you’ll soon discover, I don’t hold back in the book.

It’s all there.

It is so transparent that you could read the book, run your calculations, and manage your retirement without ever talking to me. In my mind, that would still be considered a success.

I wrote this book and am sharing what I’ve learned over the past decade because I want to help you. The best way I know how is to help you get your retirement set up correctly.

As Seen On:

Get The Book + 5 Bonuses On This Page:

How to Retire on Time

For Just $9.95

If you’re ready to retire, or are already retired and are nervous about your current plan, then grab your copy of How to Retire on Time right now and discover how I help people just like you confidently retire.

Here's what you'll get when you buy today:

  • A Physical Copy of How to Retire on Time Mailed to You

  • A Digital Copy of How to Retire on Time Instantly Available

  • Instant Access To Easy-To-Use Planning Software

  • Design Your Retirement In One Evening Workbook

  • 12 Common Retirement Mistakes (And What To Do Instead)

  • Exclusive Invitations To Live Events and Q&A Sessions

  • How to Retire on Time Audiobook

Get a physical copy of the book sent to you for just the price of standard shipping.

Plus, while you wait for your physical copy to arrive, you'll get instant access to the digital book, the audiobook, and all of the included bonuses.

Here’s a Look at What You’ll Discover When You Get Your Digital Copy of How to Retire on Time…

  • How we prepare for a market crash. No one can predict the future, but we can be ready by using one of our proprietary portfolio strategies.

  • Case-study examples showing you how to apply the rules and principles found in this book to your unique situation. Don't fall for some cookie-cutter approach or product-driven sales pitch.

  • The "Kedrec Wealth Plan" system we follow when we put a plan together. This process can cost a client up to $5,000.

  • Learn about absolute return investment models that may be able to give you an advantage when it comes to your long-term growth.

  • Transition from sleepless nights to ready to retire when you understand these concepts and put them into practice.

  • Discover if you could retire sooner than expected when you run your calculations.

  • Learn what many missed that put them at risk when they retired so you don't make the same mistakes.

  • ​"Growth, Protection, and Liquidity" There's no such thing as a perfect investment, but there is a way to build a portfolio that offers growth, protection, and liquidity. Find out how!

  • How to prepare for when markets go flat, which historically they have every 20 years or so.

  • What landlord's need to know if they want to retire on not deal with tenants, toilets, trash, and more.

  • 100+ year market patterns you need to know, especially if you plan on enjoying your retirement for 20 to 30 years or more!

  • How to prepare for rising tax rates. Hint, it takes more than annual IRA to Roth conversions to prepare yourself for potential tax increases.

  • Why traditional long-term care may not be in your best interest and other ways to prepare for future healthcare costs.

  • The reality of bonds in your portfolio, when to use them, and when to avoid them.

  • The business of financial planning and when you may be better off managing your plan on your own.

  • The problem with after-tax accounts, like your brokerage account, and what to do about it.

  • Why the zero-percent tax bracket may cost you more than you realize, and what to do instead.

  • How to put your initial plan together, and then make subtle adjustments along the way.

  • And much more!

On the next page, you can decide to add-on additional advanced on-demand trainings that may be able to help you increase your overall retirement income even more...

...but, as you can see, How to Retire on Time contains everything I think you’ll need to create your plan and then manage it on your own without paying any on-going advisory fees (if that's what you want).

The price of How to Retire on Time is just $9.95.

Your digital copy of How to Retire on Time will be delivered to your inbox right away so you can start discovering how one plan, supported by our proprietary systems, may be all you need in retirement.

Your purchase today also includes the 5 bonuses. These bonus courses and resources are designed to compliment what you’ll learn inside How to Retire on Time.

I know this seems like information overload, but I’ve done my best to organize the book, "How to Retire on Time," and the bonuses in such a way that you’ll be able to immediately gain new insights and be ready retirement ASAP...

...Even if the markets are crashing and taxes are going up.

This is your time!

You can do this!

As Seen On:

Get The Book + 5 Bonuses On This Page:

How to Retire on Time

For Just $9.95

If you’re ready to retire, or are already retired and are nervous about your current plan, then grab your copy of How to Retire on Time right now and discover how I help people just like you confidently retire.

Here's what you'll get when you buy today:

  • A Physical Copy of How to Retire on Time Mailed to You

  • A Digital Copy of How to Retire on Time Instantly Available

  • Instant Access To Easy-To-Use Planning Software

  • Design Your Retirement In One Evening Workbook

  • 12 Common Retirement Mistakes (And What To Do Instead)

  • Exclusive Invitations To Live Events and Q&A Sessions

  • How to Retire on Time Audiobook

Get a physical copy of the book sent to you for just the price of standard shipping.

Plus, while you wait for your physical copy to arrive, you'll get instant access to the digital book, the audiobook, and all of the included bonuses.

Mike Decker, NSSA®

I help people retire on time or sooner so they can enjoy more of their time doing what they love.

Thanks for taking the time to read this far.

I’ve been working with retirees and near retirees since 2013.

The strategies you will discover in this book come from a decade of frustration with the financial services industry.

No matter where I looked, all I could find were oversimplified sales pitches that ignored the downside of the “solutions” being presented.

This book is a compilation of everything I believe you need to know in order to retire and stay retired.

I want to help you succeed.

In addition to writing the book, "How to Retire on Time," I actively write for Kiplinger, one of the top personal finance magazine in the country.

I hope that all of this can help people, just like you, retire on time, and enjoy their retirement for as long as they live.

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